Vibrant Vibration Pure Essential Oil Candle
Vibrant Vibrations
I breathe in peace, calm and tranquility. I breathe out uncertainty, chaos and confusion. I’m certain in my path ahead and focus on this path with clarity. I don’t let my angst get in the way. I’m aware and patient on this path so I can see all the sights worth seeing along this journey. I do not rush as I’m in this moment during the right time. I breathe in-I am here now with certainty of my unlimited possibilities. I choose elated thoughts that keep my vibrations high.
Slow down, don’t rush, breathe in this moment. I am optimistic and confident and know; my vibrations are high enough to attract vibrations of the same frequencies.
I embrace calm, joyful, positive, uplifting frequencies.
Essential oils of Grapefruit, orange, dark patchouli, and black pepper in a 11.5 oz white ceramic vessel